
Our history

In 2021 Gränges celebrates its 125th anniversary. Gränges of today is a young company with a long history. At the beginning of the 20th century, Gränges was the Stockholm Stock Exchange's most valued company, in the middle of the century Gränges was the world's largest ore exporter and towards the end of the 20th century a subsidiary of the Electrolux Group. Today, Gränges is an aluminum technology company that drives the development of lighter, smarter and more sustainable aluminum products and solutions. We are proud that our technology and business model is rooted in, and benefits from, the Swedish tradition of sustainability and long-term thinking. Our story is not about looking back - it's about looking ahead. It has been, ever since 1896.

Gränges is an old and well-established company name. During our 125-year history, we have developed and adapted to society's ever changing conditions and have during our history been associated with railways, mining, shipping operations, ore exports, the white goods producer Electrolux, car safety - and not least aluminum. In fact, Gränges still has the same corporate identity number as when it was founded. The common factors throughout the years have been adaptation and innovation. To adapt the business to new conditions and to constantly create new innovations that drive development further.

Important milestones

The foundation of our business was laid in 1896 in Grängesberg, Sweden. Thereafter, several different industrial enterprises became part of the Group, including Grängesberg mines, the TGOJ rail business, Oxelösund ironworks, and a shipping business. In 1969, the Group acquired Svenska Metallverken, which included an aluminium products business, an operation that would later evolve into Gränges. Our production of aluminum products began in 1922. Read more > 

Historical eras

An overview of the different eras that the company has experienced. It has not been a straight path,it has been ups and downs, mistakes and mishaps - and successes. There are also many examples of how difficulties breed creativity. If you look even further back, to Gränges' "pre-alumina" history, there are even more stories about smart innovations, enterprising employees and knowledgeable technology decisions. Read more >