
Long-term sustainability targets 2025

To drive the development of sustainable solutions, Gränges has adopted sustainability targets for 2025 and has set an ambitious climate target to reach net-zero by 2040 as well as to tenfold the recycling volumes by 2030 versus baseline 2017.

Emissions and climate impact

Reduce carbon emissions intensity from scope 1+2 by at least 25 per cent and by at least 30 per cent from scope 3 to 2025. Reach net-zero by 2040.
Outcome: In 2022, scope 1+2 carbon emissions intensity decreased by 7 per cent to 0.82 tonnes CO2 e/tonne (0.88) and scope 3 by 4 per cent to 8.1 (8.4). Total carbon emissions intensity (scope 1+2+3) has now been reduced by 22 per cent versus baseline 2017.

Sustainable innovation

100 per cent of Gränges’ products to have third-party verified sustainability information available by 2025.
Outcome: In 2022, the share of products with third-party verified sustainability information increased to 79 per cent (35).

Sourced recycled aluminium

Increase the share of sourced recycled aluminium to at least 30 per cent of total sourced metal inputs by 2025 and tenfold the recycled volumes by 2030 vs 2017.
Outcome: In 2022, the share of sourced recycled aluminium increased by 4.2 percentage points to 32.7 (28.5).

Workplace safety

Reduce Total Recordable Rate to greater than or equal to 3.0 recordable accidents per million hours worked.
Outcome: In 2022, Toal Recordable Rate (TRR), recordable accidents per million hours worked, increased to 8.0 (6.5). Severity rate, lost workdays per million hours worked, decreased to 56 (139).

Responsible sourcing and production

All sites to have achieved certifications in accordance with the Aluminium Stewardships Initiative (ASI) Performance Standard and Chain of Custody Standard by 2025.
Outcome: In 2022, 5 sites (2) achieved both ASI certifications.